
Empowerment Through Work: Your Contribution Makes a Difference

At WorkSource, we believe in the power of meaningful employment to transform lives. Every day, we work alongside individuals with developmental disabilities in our community to provide them with opportunities, skills, and a sense of purpose.

Why your support matters

For many individuals with developmental disabilities, finding employment opportunities can be challenging. However, with your generous donation, you become a crucial part of our mission to break down barriers and create inclusive workplaces. Your support enables us to…

Provide job training and skill development tailored to individual needs
Create meaningful employment opportunities within our community
Foster independence, confidence, and a sense of belonging
Advocate for greater inclusion and accessibility in the workforce

You can make a difference

Your contribution, no matter the size, has a profound impact on the lives of those we serve. By donating to WorkSource, you’re not just supporting a program; you’re investing in the future of our community. Together, we can create a more inclusive, compassionate society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

How you can help

Support individuals with developmental disabilities in Vermilion County by making a one-time donation today or becoming a monthly donor to sustain our work programs. Additionally, help us spread the word and encourage others to join us in making a lasting impact on our community.

Thank you for
supporting WorkSource!

Your generosity helps us continue our vital work empowering individuals with developmental disabilities. If you’re ready to make a difference, please click the button below to donate now. Together, we can create a brighter future for everyone in Vermilion County.

Interested in
other opportunities?

We welcome you to explore further donation or volunteer opportunities with us! Your involvement can make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities in Vermilion County. Reach out today to discover how you can contribute to our cause.